Mycelium Magic

By Sophia Posamentier, 2026

You read that right; magic mushrooms. No, not the kind you’d see in movies or get warnings about in health class; these are better. This mycelium magic is pretty much the opposite of everything you’ve been taught. Meati, a mycelium-based meat alternative designed to taste, feel, and look like chicken, is the next leap forward to a healthier, more eco-friendly future. 

Founded in 2016, Meati proclaims their slogan is “To Build Good Energy™, from the ground up — the simple solution that’s been under our feet the whole time.” Good Energy™ refers to the sustainable, conscious, and Earth-friendly mycelium ‘meat’. Boasting not only more protein than the average serving of meat, each serving of Meati meat leaves a nearly net zero carbon footprint. The primary pillars of Meati’s foundations are efficiency and haleness, contributing to their blossoming success which is built off of their mystical decomposers.

Efficiency, specifically through material conservation and recycling processes, is an invaluable aspect of the Meati brand. According to the National Science Foundation, “Meati's process is highly efficient and sustainable, using 1% of the land, water, and energy compared to traditional animal meats.” Using only 1% of materials in comparison to what is traditionally used is massively efficient, allowing Meati to make more for less and effectively cut down any sort of environmental challenges. Meati cares about the environment equally to its care for cost, customers, and profit.

In addition to devotion to efficiency for the environment, Meati provides a strong commitment to the health and wellness of its customers. Not only is the meat substitute allergen gluten- and animal-free, but it is also “packed with natural nutrients and all essential amino acids,” according to the NSF report Microbes and Mushrooms. A strong source of proteins can hardly go wrong in today's world. Meati’s passion towards creating healthy, environmentally friendly mushroom magic will not go unnoticed in the environmental food world, as can be seen by the numerous displays of Meati in stores across the US and Canada. Magic? No. Mycelium? Oh yes.

Works Cited

“Mission.” Mission | eat meatiTM. Accessed May 9, 2024. 

“Meati Foods.” NSF. Accessed May 9, 2024.,compared%20to%20traditional%20animal%20meats. 

Dietrich, Tamara,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        “Microbes and Mushrooms -- the Future of Earth-Friendly Food?” NSF, January 20, 2022. 


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